Saturday, August 28, 2010

Recipe 48: Omelette

Another basic thing that I made for the first time on my own back in July. Pretty simple, but I still am not much of an egg person and not likely to make omelettes very often. I would rather just do simple scrambled eggs in the microwave (hate cleaning the frying pan).

Friday, August 27, 2010

Recipe 47: Grilled Cheese with Dijon Mustard

I made my first grilled cheese the end of June. I made them with dijon mustard. Since then it has become almost a weekly thing I make including one of the things I made for the 4th of July.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Recipe 46: Scrambled Eggs

Okay, so this is kind of stretching it, but really I never had made scrambled eggs in an actual pan until late June 2010. Sure I had made them in the microwave before, but that is not for real. Also, did not take a pic, but I still am counting it as a first attempt at a new thing to help me try to get 100 new to me recipes this year.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Recipe 45: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Back in June I made Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies using a recipe in the Joy of Vegan Baking cookbook. They ended up very delicious. I had never thought of putting chocolate chips in peanut butter cookies before and they really do go together nicely. I was pleased with these ending up nice and soft and chewy, which is how I like my cookies.